Major milestone for the Remember Mary Barbour Campaign

The Remember Mary Barbour Campaign had come to the stage where we needed a constitution so we could apply for funding and meet the requirements for charitable organisations.

On Tuesday 17 June we held an inaugural meeting to formalise our existence, and agreed a constitution with the help of Bailie Fariha Thomas, whose experience of such matters was much appreciated.

We elected a committee of eight people to carry things forward. The are:

Maria Fyfe
James Adams
Stephen Dornan
John Kane
Esme Clark
Jennifer Russell
Sharon Thomas
Dr Catriona Burness

When the committee meets shortly all current office holders stand down, but can seek re-election.

Membership of the campaign is free. Anyone who wishes to join the campaign should send their contact details to Esme Clark, Secretary.

Business over, Dr Catriona Burness, who has been researching for us as an unpaid volunteer, gave an entertaining and instructive talk on the life and times of Mary Barbour. Everyone present already knew about the victorious rent strike, but not the whole story.  There was much else going on in Mary Barbour’s life, as Catriona notes in her article.

We were delighted to welcome Sadie Docherty, the Lord Provost of Glasgow, who told us why she was committed to this campaign, and would do all she could to help. So our Lord Provost is signed up too!  This will obviously be very helpful when we are seeking help from outside bodies to create a lasting memorial that can inspire us and future generations.

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