Author Archives: catrionaburness

Successful Mary Barbour Statue sculptor announced

The name of the successful sculptor chosen to create the statue of Mary Barbour is Andrew Brown. 

The successful sculptor was announced from the stage of the hugely successful Gala Concert in Glasgow’s Old Fruitmarket on 21 February 2016.

Maria Fyfe, Chair of the Remember Mary Barbour Association (RMBA) said in announcing the winner

“When the public in Glasgow saw the designs, there was support for all five of them. But the widest support was expressed for the one we announce tonight, and the Remember Mary Barbour Association endorse their choice.

“This sculptor’s intention was to present Mary Barbour, for now and for generations to come, in a way that captures the achievement for which she is best known. The day in November 1915, when she led a 20-thousand-strong protest through the streets of Glasgow to the Sheriff Court and won the victory.

“Congratulations to Andrew Brown!”

The successful design along with the four others shortlisted can be seen on the Facebook page here.

All five short-listed maquettes are currently on display at the Fairfield Heritage Centre.

Sculptor Andrew Brown with his winning entry-HiRes-081.jpg

Sculptor Andrew Brown with his winning maquette.

Photo: Eddie Middleton.

See more of Eddie’s photos of the Gala Concert at

There is no charge for their non-commercial use. Credit, where appropriate, should be either – ©Eddie Middleton 2016 – or  – Photo: Eddie Middleton.





– a new year and a new programme of events and fundraising activities for the Remember Mary Barbour Association.

The maquette tour continues.

They can be seen as follows:

Elderpark Library, Govan until 12 January

Luma Building at Shieldhall Road, Thursday 14 January – Wednesday 20 January

Riverside Museum, Thursday 21 January – Monday 1 February

Please check our website for updates on other Mary Barbour activities at the display venues.

Fundraising events

We are also organising two key fundraising events, a Burns Supper and a Fundraising Concert.

Remember Mary Barbour Association’s Burns Supper

Friday 22 January, 7.30pm for 8.00pm

Hosted by the Preshal Trust, 8 Aboukir St, Glasgow

Tickets: £25 – BYOB

For ticket reservations please contact our Treasurer, Councillor John Kane, on 07544 544375

Remember Mary Barbour – Fundraising Concert

Sunday 21 February, 7.30pm

Old Fruitmarket, Glasgow

Tickets: £25

For ticket reservations please contact our Treasurer, Councillor John Kane, on 07544 544375

A gala concert organised by the Remember Mary Barbour Association to raise funds to create a memorial to one of Glasgow’s greatest heroes.

Mary Barbour led the successful rent strike of 1915 and went on to play a leading role in the labour movement as a Glasgow Councillor and energetic social reformer.

This concert will feature some of Scotland’s leading performers in a great night of entertainment, song and music celebrating her life and work. Full details to be announced soon.

See www.  and on Facebook

Hope to see you soon!



The Remember Mary Barbour Association aims to create a lasting memorial to one of Glasgow’s greatest heroes.

We are at an exciting stage of the campaign to raise a statue of Mary Barbour. After a call for tender over the summer in September 2015 we shortlisted five sculptors.

  • Andrew Brown
  • Mark Longworth
  • Kenneth Mackay
  • Roddy McDowall
  • Morag McLean

The sculptors have each now produced a maquette (a small model) created to illustrate their vision of a statue to commemorate Mary Barbour.

The maquettes were unveiled to the public at an event at the Pearce Institute in Govan at 18.30 on Tuesday 17 November 2015, the centenary of the great Rent Strike demonstration.

The Maquette Tour

The Remember Mary Barbour Association wants the public to view the maquettes both on-line and on tour.

The Remember Mary Barbour maquettes are home in Govan for Christmas and you can see them at Elder Park Library at normal times and at the following times:

Elderpark Opening times:
21 Dec, 1-8pm
22 Dec, 10-5pm
23 Dec, 1-8pm
29 Dec, 10-5pm
30 Dec, 10-5pm

There will also further public showings in January and February 2016 at venues including Riverside Museum, Fairfield Heritage Centre, Wheatley House and the Scottish Parliament.

Dates and times to be announced soon.

Full details via the Remember Mary Barbour Association website.

The Maquette Tour so far

The maquettes have been on tour from 17 November as below:

Unveiling of maquettes, Pearce Institute, Govan – 17 November 2015

Elder Park Library, Govan – Wednesday 18 November – Friday 20 November

The People’s Palace, Glasgow Green – Saturday 21 November – Sunday 22 November

Fairfield Heritage Centre, Govan – Tuesday 24 November – Friday 4 December

with a trip out to:

Govan loves Christmas event, Govan Cross – Wednesday 2 December (2-6pm)

Glasgow Women’s Library – Monday 7 December – Thursday 17 December



Remember Mary Barbour Campaign Update

There have been great steps forward in our campaign lately.  Cllr Sadie Docherty, the Lord Provost of Glasgow, had the idea of holding a civic reception in the City Chambers to boost our fundraising, and as a result many substantial donations have been coming in, particularly from Glasgow Housing Association.

Sir Alex Ferguson with great generosity donated £5,000, and his turning up at the City Chambers to be photographed signing his cheque drew immense media interest.   Sir Alex, a Govan man himself, told the media that he was a longstanding admirer

Along with the novelist J David Simons, our chair Maria Fyfe took part in an Aye Write event, chaired by Willie Maley, which played its own part in furthering knowledge of the 1915 rent strikers.

With the invaluable assistance of Sarah Munro, of Glasgow Life, Prof Sam Ainslie and our own Sharon Thomas we will shortly be inviting artists to submit their ideas for the statue.   A short list will be created, and each artist will be asked to build a maquette (small statuette) to show what the finished, full sized piece would look like.  The plan is to take the maquettes on tour around Govan and Glasgow to see which gains the most support.

What is key still though is fundraising, whilst we have made great progress there is still a way to go before we have enough to pay for a statue.


Watch this space.

Looking for Mary Barbour

There will be a Mary Barbour statue.*

The Remember Mary Barbour Association is formally up and running. We can now begin applying for funding to raise a statue in lasting memory of Mary Barbour, social campaigner and key leader of the Rent Strike during the First World War.

I am still looking for Mary Barbour amid the archives. The Govan Press has probably been the most fruitful source of information, perhaps not surprising as Mary Barbour lived and was politically active in Govan, representing the Govan Fairfield ward on the Glasgow Corporation from 1920 until 1931.

Most recently I’ve been checking on what I can find in the pages of Glasgow-based newspapers and journals such as The Glasgow Herald, The Bailie and The Bulletin.

These three papers were not in the habit of lavishing praise on Labour politicians, however. When Mary Barbour first stood as an Independent Labour Party (ILP) council candidate in 1920 a “Special Correspondent” for The Glasgow Herald listed her among the “Red Flag” candidates.

The reporter wrote: “Apparently in the opinion of the ILP, the ability to pour forth a spate of words at a street-corner meeting is a supreme qualification for the office of a Town Councillor.”

Yet one of Mary Barbour’s first interventions on the Corporation won praise from The Bailie, a Conservative-inclined satirical magazine:

“At the Town Council meeting on Thursday, I heard two of our lady Councillors speak. One read her speech; the other spoke impromptu. The lady who read is a middle-class Moderate; the second lady was a working class representative. Surely a sign showing that if there is any class inarticulate it is not the working class.”

The reference is to what the Govan Press described as “a very effective speech” by Mary Barbour on the question of the Corporation employing women to wash stairs and closes:

“Mrs Barbour said that this was a subject that had engaged her attention, as a tenement dweller, for some time. It would provide employment for women out of work and would take work from women who were already over-wrought … In concluding a very able speech she said, ‘I support this measure as a mother who likes to keep her stair clean and who has still to wash it. It is my turn to-day.’ On resuming her seat she was loudly applauded by friends and opponents alike. Unfortunately, however, her eloquence was unavailing, and when, after further protracted discussion, the vote was taken, the proposal was defeated by 58 votes to 36.”

Mary Barbour served on the Glasgow Corporation until stepping down in 1931. Her work as a councillor spanned many firsts, from being one of Glasgow’s first female councillors and its first fully fledged woman magistrate through her pioneering social reform including the establishment of the city’s first family planning centre.

*As long as we raise enough money! Please help us by donating to the Mary Barbour Campaign.

Catriona Burness would like to acknowledge permission to quote from texts and papers held in the National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh) and Glasgow Libraries Collection (@CSG CIC Glasgow Museums and Libraries Collection: the Mitchell Library, Special Collections; and Glasgow Elder Park Library).